Female Fertility Product Buyer’s Guide (updated September 2024)

Approved Science Fertilisyl Review


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Our thorough research led us to discover this unique, high-quality female fertility supplement from Approved Science. For several key reasons, we consider this to be one of the most effective female fertility products available on the market to help you boost reproductive health naturally and get the results you want.

Why We Consider Fertilisyl To Be An Effective Product

Main Benefits:

  • It contains Chromium Picolinate and BioInositol™ which is composed of BOTH Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol, for increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing PCOS symptoms.
  • It includes B-Sci™, a trademarked blend of B Vitamins that balances hormones, supports egg development, maintains blood cell health, and is rich in antioxidants.
  • It has Chasteberry, Shatavari Root, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 for contributing to hormonal balance.
  • It regulates the menstrual cycle, including making ovulation more regular.
  • It contains Folate and Myo-Inositol to support healthy follicles and egg quality. 
  • It has Shatavari Root, Selenium, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B3, which are antioxidants for reducing damage caused by free radicals that can affect follicle and egg quality.
  • It nourishes the body during preconception to decrease the odds of early miscarriage. 
  • It augments essential vitamins and minerals whose deficiencies can cause infertility, such as Iron, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1, Folate, Vitamin B12, Iodine, Zinc, and Manganese.
  • BioPerine® is added for increased bioavailability which aids the body to easily absorb the other ingredients for the best benefits.
  • It does not contain any preservatives, artificial colorings, hormones, fillers, or binders.
  • Many supportive consumer reviews have been written by users who experienced excellent results.
  • Its daily suggested serving is the optimal potency as recommended by doctors for effectiveness and is supported by extensive clinical research trials and studies.
  • This manufacturer’s customer service is second to none; it provides excellent support and help. Furthermore, it offers an excellent money-back guarantee if customers are not happy with the results they experience.

Is Fertilisyl Effective?

Certain foods, herbs and minerals have been experimented with to find ways of boosting reproductive health. With scientific advancements, we’ve come to know what things work and why. Supplements have taken the guessing game out of finding a solution for most infertility symptoms. However, not every manufacturer cares about their customers enough to create a product that will guarantee results. Therefore, our aim in reviewing products is to determine how effective they are at increasing fertility and which one is the one to choose.

Fertilisyl’s formula is comprised of 100% pure, natural ingredients, including KSM-66® Organic Ashwagandha, Chasteberry, Myo-Inositol, D-Chiro-Inositol, Folate, B Vitamins, and more, for swiftly balancing hormones, regulating menstruation, increasing fertility, and boosting reproductive health.

Hormones play key roles in fertility. For example, progesterone is responsible for thickening the lining of the uterus and creating a nutritious environment for the embryo to grow in. If the ovarian lining is not sufficiently thick, the egg will not implant and there will be no pregnancy. Since hormonal balance is so important for conception, we were glad to see that Fertilisyl contains 4 ingredients that help balance hormones, namely: Chasteberry, Vitamin D3, Shatavari Root, and Zinc. 

Another important hormone is insulin. You may be familiar with insulin’s relationship with blood sugar, but did you know that it also affects fertility? Insulin resistance happens when cells don’t respond properly to insulin and do not take in glucose from the blood efficiently. Since the cells are not responding, the body thinks it doesn’t have enough insulin and over-produces insulin. Insulin resistance causes irregular ovulation, anovulation (not ovulating), or irregular periods, all of which affect fertility. Inositols are effective at reducing insulin resistance, which in turn reduces symptoms of PCOS. Fertilisyl includes both inositols that are recommended for women trying to conceive, and this combination has been found to be most effective. Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol are must-haves on our list and Fertilisyl has them both!

Folate, also known as Vitamin B9, is another absolute must-have for all fertility supplements. Women in their child-bearing years are recommended to take 400 mcg of Folate daily. Folate is believed to help boost egg production, regulate ovulation, and prevent neural tube defects by supporting the development of a fetus’s brain and spinal cord. Fertilisyl uses 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, a more bioavailable form for faster absorption and more effective results.

Another ingredient that we look for in fertility supplements is Ashwagandha extract. Fertilisyl not only contains this powerful component but it contains KSM-66® Organic Ashwagandha – the purest and most potent form of Ashwagandha. Many studies document the effects of Ashwagandha and have found that it assists the endocrine system in regulating the thyroid and the production of reproductive hormones. An underproduction of the thyroid hormones causes a failure to release eggs from the ovaries during the menstrual cycle and worsens PCOS which in turn decreases fertility. Ashwagandha also affects the nervous system and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, which can be factors contributing to infertility. In addition to offering all those benefits, Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac with libido boosting properties which can be especially helpful for maintaining sexual desire after trying to conceive unsuccessfully for months. 

In addition to these crucial ingredients, Fertilisyl also has a whole host of additional beneficial ingredients. Its B-Sci Vitamin B Complex provides nutrients that are essential to the preconception phase and general health as well. Fertilisyl augments minerals whose deficiencies are linked to infertility such as Iron, Zinc, Copper, Iodine, and Manganese. Fertilisyl contains Zinc, Selenium, Shatavari Root, and Ashwagandha, which all have free radical fighting properties. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that are not bound to an electron and can cause damage in the body. It also contains P-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) and Nettle Extract which are known respectively to increase fertility and prepare the uterus for pregnancy.

Finally, the ultimate necessity for an effective fertility supplement is a compound which promotes absorption of the nutrients provided by the ingredients. Without increasing bioavailability, it doesn’t matter what the dosage is of any supplement because it will not have the maximum absorption into your body. For this reason Fertilisyl contains BioPerine®, a patented natural bioavailability enhancer. 

So, if this is what makes a female fertility product so effective, shouldn’t all supplements that contain these key ingredients be equally effective? Unfortunately, that is not the case! Many manufacturers formulate fertility supplements that are ineffective, unreliable, and contain ingredients that are a waste of resources. Many companies employ cheap marketing tactics and exploit current health supplement trends to offload as many bottles as they can, as quickly as they can.

Often consumers think they have found a great product only to find that it doesn’t work for them and when they call customer service to discuss their options, they are either disappointed to find that the number doesn’t work, or experience multiple hang-ups. There are even companies that don’t provide customer service at all, offering an email contact and empty promises that they will get back to you.

Fertilisyl uses the optimal potency of pure unadulterated natural ingredients formulated to provide the most effective results. Other supplements often use lower dosages or cheaper quality ingredients which simply will not render the same success. Moreover, Fertilisyl’s formula does not contain any ingredients that can be deemed unnecessary. It does not add fillers, binders, additives, or preservatives. There are so many products out there that do not fall within the realm of high standards, offering artificial alternatives and all sorts of extras inside their formulas. It was very refreshing to find a company that does not mess with natural components.

To summarize, Fertilisyl uses top quality natural ingredients, provides effective results, has a caring customer support team, a confident money-back guarantee, and a great price. From what we saw, this is without a doubt an extremely high-quality product.

Quality Assurance

Over the last few years, we understand how consumers have grown skeptical of health supplements due to shady companies providing useless formulas that contain unrelated and extraneous ingredients to their products. Often, these ingredients are not pure, or have not been tested for quality and have no scientific validity as to why they have been included in the formulas. Not only is this irresponsible, but often quite dangerous. There is absolutely no reason why anything artificial should be added. Natural and pure is always best.

We were very happy to discover that Fertilisyl is manufactured in an FDA registered facility. Moreover, it is cGMP recognized and complies with the US Pharmacopeia’s standards for quality and purity. This suggests that the company takes what it does very seriously, and strives to keep its products safe, natural and effective – a mentality that we totally appreciate.


Not only does Fertilisyl contain top-quality ingredients in the purest forms, but it also has a lot of other things going for it. It comes at an affordable price with some excellent multiple purchase deals, allowing for huge cost savings. Also, this company will not put its customers on any auto-ship program, which can be nearly impossible to cancel should you wish.

Orders are shipped within 24 hours, with the exclusion of any orders placed on weekends and holidays. They are wrapped and sent in discreet packaging, with no identifying marks on the outside, unlike other companies who often have embarrassing slogans or logos. Furthermore, this company provides a 60-day risk-free money-back guarantee. If you are not 100% happy with the results, you are able to return the product and receive a full refund. That shows Approved Science’s strong confidence in its products and we totally support that kind of guarantee.

In Conclusion

When people are searching for a high-quality fertility product, they don’t always address all the important factors that need to be considered. They may well look for effectiveness and affordability. However, there are other significant elements to bear in mind -such as third-party testing and comprehensive customer reviews – that give us a great indication of how the product really works. Of all the products that we reviewed, across all parameters, none compared to Fertilisyl. If you are looking for a product that really works, our recommendation is without a doubt, Fertilisyl.

Approved Science Fertilisyl™
DailyWellness FertilityBlend® For Women
Ally Naturals Proception+
Herman Organic Fertility Support+
Contains Myo-Inositol And D-Chiro-Inositol For Decreasing Symptoms Of PCOS
Contains KSM-66, The Purest, Highly absorbable Ashwagandha For Boosting Fertility
Contains The Recommended 400 Mcg Of Folate as 5-MTHF for preventing neural tube defects
Contains Chasteberry For Improving Progesterone Production
Contains B-Sci™ blend of 7 B Vitamins for supporting egg production and quality
Contains BioPerine® For Added Absorption
Third-Party Tested for Purity
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

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Read on to see what their happy customers are saying

“My husband and I have been trying to start a family for a few years with no luck. We so desperately want to have a child that we were even considering IVF, despite not being able to bear the expense. We decided to try supplementation first, as a cheaper, non-invasive option. We found Approved Science Fertilisyl by chance and after some consideration decided to give it a try. Since starting treatment, I’ve gotten a positive ovulation test and will be taking a pregnancy test in a few days. I think my body might actually be ready for pregnancy. I’ve got a good feeling about this!”  Adoncia Rubio

“Expecting baby number 1 in a few months! I did make diet and lifestyle changes but I think the biggest factor that brought me to this point was Fertilisyl because even with my healthy lifestyle, my period was super irregular and I often wouldn’t even ovulate. I’m so glad that my doctor recommended I take Fertilisyl. I hope my experience helps you decide to try this product and I hope it works for you too. Gloria Simmons

“I got tired of waiting for a grandchild so I bought these for my daughter-in-law who has PCOS and hadn’t gotten pregnant in the 5 years she’s been married to my son. Well, that was four months ago and they’ve just made the announcement that they’re expecting a baby! My husband thought I was over-stepping when I bought these for her, but I’m sure now that there’s a baby on the way, we can all laugh about it together.” – Regina Moore  

“Before I found Fertilisyl, I would cry every other month or so when my period came -and not just because my hormones were out of whack. We’ve been trying for a pregnancy for close to two years. When two months went by and I didn’t get my period, I was hesitant to even take another pregnancy test because I didn’t want to be disappointed again. I mentioned to my husband that my period was already 10 days late from the day I had thought it might come, according to my tracking apps. He immediately ran out to the pharmacy and brought a test home for me. It was positive! I went the next day and bought another test, just to be sure, and it also came back positive! I’m pretty sure I owe it all to Fertilisyl so thank you to Approved Science for making this magnificent product. Avery Gross

“I don’t believe in supplementation but I lost a bet with my husband and so I had to try a fertility supplement for a minimum of 2 months. He let me choose the supplement and you can bet I did a lot of research before picking a pill. Approved Science had the most information available from all the supplements I researched and it seems like they truly are backed by science. We bought two bottles and I didn’t even finish the second because I stopped when I got pregnant. We’re expecting!!! I’m still a little sore about that bet I lost, but I’m glad it made me agree to taking a fertility supplement. I’m a believer now! Kiara Harris

“There are so many terms thrown around when you’re battling infertility: PCOS, follicles, IVF, progesterone, LPD, oocytes. . . It can all be so confusing but when I was looking for a fertility supplement, I found Approved Science to be very straightforward and easy to understand. It seemed like I was the target audience for Fertilisyl and so I clicked “buy”. It might have been the best decision I made in my life. Before Fertilisyl, my egg quality was poor and I rarely ovulated. We had another appointment scheduled for IVF, so we went through with it once I was on Fertilisyl and it was a success! Our little miracle is napping as I’m writing this. I’m so thankful to Approved Science for making an effective, quality product. I can’t endorse them enough!!” Sandra Luciano  

“My doctor recommended that I take Folate and Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol but I’m horrible at taking pills so I was looking for something that contains both so I could get a 2-for-1. I showed Fertilisyl to my doctor and she was really excited by it and approved of it (pun intended). I got my period back and then a positive ovulation test. Next up is just a positive pregnancy test – fingers crossed!”  Tasha Jones


FAQs about Fertilisyl:

How does Fertilisyl work?

The key lies in the ingredients contained within its formula. They haven’t simply been plucked from thin air for a list of ingredients that look good on the label. Each ingredient in this product is supported by clinical research and has a reason to be there!  A top-quality supplement contributes to the healthy maturation of eggs, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves progesterone production, and reduces insulin resistance. Fertilisyl’s unique formula contributes to many aspects of reproductive health to effectively boost fertility.

Do all fertility products work in a similar way?

No, they most certainly do not. There are many companies that just ride the trends, producing inferior products with weak formulas in the wrong proportions. Many use incorrect ingredients, fillers, binders, which can affect desired results, and even be dangerous.

What should I look for in an effective formula?

  • It should contain both Myo-Inositol AND D-Chiro-Inositol in addition to vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Inositol has been found to improve insulin sensitivity and may improve follicular development and egg quality.
  • It should contain Chasteberry which restores reproductive hormone balance and contributes to reproductive health as a whole. 
  • It should contain Ashwagandha which is widely studied for its libido and fertility boosting effects
  • It should contain 400 mcg of 5-MTHF Folate as is recommended by the CDC for preventing neural tube defects
  • It should have B Vitamins for balancing hormones, supporting egg development, and maintaining blood cell health.
  • It should contain BioPerine® which increases the bioavailability of the ingredients, increasing their benefits.
  • It must be 100% pure, natural and with no unnecessary ingredients that could reduce the effectiveness of the product.
  • It should be formulated using the same potency as found effective in clinical studies.

Are there any side effects noted when using this product?

Our research did not uncover any negative side effects when using this product. The ingredients that are contained within the formula of Fertilisyl are all natural and pure. Additionally, they are doctor approved, so a lack of negative side effects is to be expected. That said, as with any supplement, we always recommend consulting with a doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an existing medical condition or are taking any other medication.

What are the dosage instructions for Fertilisyl?

The manufacturers of this product suggest taking 2 capsules daily, (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), before meals with an 8 oz. glass of water. As with any medication or supplement, always follow the recommended dosage instructions and do not exceed them as this poses health risks.

How long before I can see any results?

Results will vary for each person. For some, they will see changes by the first cycle, while for others it may take longer. It is different for each person. Other factors that affect results can include age, diet, and lifestyle so it is hard to say exactly when you’ll see results. What you should look for are those companies who offer a satisfaction guarantee. This suggests that they are confident that their products will deliver the desired results. And after all, if you don’t get the results you were hoping for you can always return the product. Fertilisyl offers a great money-back guarantee and awesome feedback on how well this product works.

What price should I expect to pay?

The cost of products varies between manufacturers. Unfortunately, many are cheap, useless supplements that have been formulated without any science-based evidence to back them up. Some of these companies are selling their products for over $100 per bottle, which is very expensive. On average, the best supplements we found are selling between the $50-60 price range. Often, when products appear cheaper, this is indicative of low quality or a low recommended daily serving, which will not bring the results you are looking for. Some cheap products try to trick you with high pill counts but they also have a higher dosage so while you get more pills, you’re actually getting fewer servings. Be aware. Always read the labels.

Which female fertility supplement should I buy?

As each person’s experience of a product is different, it is difficult to say specifically which one is the best for you. That said, based on several factors, we did like Fertilisyl. We found that from all the products we looked at, Fertilisyl had the best quality of ingredients, potency and strength, positive consumer feedback and the manufacturer’s customer service was excellent.

How safe is it to order over the internet?

Fertilisyl is safe to be ordered over the internet. The manufacturer utilizes the latest encryption software to protect your credit card information and does not engage in shady schemes such as ‘automatic billing’ programs like many other companies do. They also deliver very efficiently and quickly, using discreet packaging.

Why should I choose Fertilisyl?

We like Approved Science Fertilisyl for several reasons. It excels in many areas including purity of ingredients, service, satisfaction, and effectiveness. Its formula is backed by clinical studies and we feel it values consumers’ health above profit margins.

This is a great product that you can depend on. It has a well-researched formula with the right ingredients in the correct potency. And if that wasn’t enough, check out the customer reviews – they say it all. It comes with many happy customers clearly singing the praises of this trustworthy product who are highly loyal to this brand. We will summarize the key benefits one more time:

  • It contains Chromium Picolinate and BioInositol™ which is composed of BOTH Myo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol, for increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing PCOS symptoms.
  • It includes B-Sci™, a trademarked blend of B Vitamins that balances hormones, supports egg development, maintains blood cell health, and is rich in antioxidants.
  • It has Chasteberry, Shatavari Root, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 for contributing to hormonal balance.
  • It regulates the menstrual cycle, including making ovulation more regular.
  • It contains Folate and Myo-Inositol to support healthy follicles and egg quality. 
  • It has Shatavari Root, Selenium, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B3, which are antioxidants for reducing damage caused by free radicals that can affect follicle and egg quality.
  • It nourishes the body during preconception to decrease the odds of early miscarriage. 
  • It augments essential vitamins and minerals whose deficiencies can cause infertility, such as Iron, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B1, Folate, Vitamin B12, Iodine, Zinc, and Manganese.
  • BioPerine® is added for increased bioavailability which aids the body to easily absorb the other ingredients for the best benefits.
  • It does not contain any preservatives, artificial colorings, hormones, fillers, or binders.
  • Many supportive consumer reviews have been written by users who experienced excellent results.
  • Its daily suggested serving is the optimal potency as recommended by doctors for effectiveness and is supported by extensive clinical research trials and studies.
  • This manufacturer’s customer service is second to none; it provides excellent support and help. Furthermore, it offers an excellent money-back guarantee if customers are not happy with the results they experience.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, consumers have so many options when choosing a health supplement. We are constantly being bombarded with commercials, advertisements and messages about so many different products, for varying health issues that it is beyond confusing which ones are the real deal and which ones are a waste of time. Fertility supplements are no exception, with many companies simply trying to cash in on the latest health trends and pushing their products on unsuspecting consumers.

We like Fertilisyl because we feel that this company is different. Approved Science in it for the long haul. They have researched their ingredients well and produced a formula using only pure natural elements with clinical data to back them up. The manufacturer of Fertilisyl offers what more companies should – an effective, affordable product supported by a real concern for the health of their customers. As an added bonus, Fertilisyl has many happy testimonials to support our belief that this is a great product and a great company.   

What You’ll Discover:

Which Female Fertility Product is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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